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Prolimatech PK-Zero 600 g Thermal Paste
Prolimatech PK-Zero 600 g Thermal Paste
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PK-ZERO (600G)

Amount600 g

Low Viscosity allows for easy application and better thermal conductivit.

Low Dry-out guarantees continued reliable performance long after the compound is applied.

No Burn-In Time allows for quick application with immediate results.

Non-Electrically Conductive guards against the risk of shorting out valuable components.

Non-Corrosive so no risk of damage to delicate electronic surfaces.

Material Specification: Al >10(wt%) ZnO >50(wt%)

Adhesiveness: 210000Cps

Thermal Conductivity: 8 W/m - °C

Thermal Impedance: 0.019 °C-in²/W

Specific Gravity: 2.6g/cm³